I am under God’s protection, and I can rest assured that I am safe and secure. I am nestled in the palm of His hand, held tightly and tenderly. With God as my protector, no harm can come to me, and no one can take my peace or joy away. Even in the face of adversity, I can hold my head high, knowing that God will not allow anyone to strip me of my dignity.
So, to the one who wishes misery to occur on the innocent ones, may you be spared from the wrath of the God of Justice for all your actions to tarnish the reputation and harm the well-being of innocent individuals.
May you not reap the negative consequences of the harmful and destructive seeds that you have sown, and may you not face the repercussions of your insecurities that drive you to inflict misery upon others.
May you be shielded from the consequences of your actions, and may you learn to treat others with kindness and respect.
For when God is with me, who can be against me? Even the workings of my enemies will be favorable to me because God is with me, and He holds me very well.

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